Sunday, April 25, 2010

Tornado Season

A sure sign that Spring is in full swing....killer tornadoes over the weekend in Mississippi and the return of the hummingbirds to Chenal. We lucked out here with no severe storms. We did get 1.75 inches of rain which washed the rest of the pollen out of the trees.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Beware of the Ash Clouds

Amazing...absolutely amazing. It's been a long time (if ever) that an volcanic ash cloud has caused so much disruption. Thousands of flights have been cancelled across Europe and between here and there. Here's a link to a story at Accuweather that shows the ash will be around for awhile.

I don't know if it is enough ash or the right chemical mixture to have an impact on temperatures. We'll look into that on a later posting. Let's hope for more global cooling. Nothing pleases me more than for Jack Frost to be nipping at Al Gore's butt.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


I enjoy the temperatures in Spring, but boy do I hate the pollen. Earlier in the week the pollen count here peaked at a nine year high. Everyone I've talked to has complained and complained about how bad their allergies are this year. Accuweather has information on why. I know personally that I had a continuous headache last weekend and the first of the week. After Wednesday's rain the headache went away. With mostly dry weather forecast for the next few days I'm afraid the symptoms will return. Even Zyrtec didn't help. The Weather Channel also has some good information on our local pollen situation.
The best news so far this Spring is the lack of severe weather in the region.'s still early.