Sunday, November 7, 2010

First Freeze

OK....So it didn't get THIS cold....but we did have the first official freeze in Chenal Valley with a low of 28. Plenty of frost on the ground. The neighborhood slave labor force led by us spread a dump truck load of mulch in the front beds of Avignon.
We are still a foot behind in rainfall, only picking up an inch earlier in the week. November is in full swing with a return to normal time and wetter weather.
Stay warm and dry till next time.


Kelly said...

We got down to 27 overnight Friday and 31 last night (this morning). Brrr.

At least we got almost 2.5" of rain earlier in the week.

Pam said...

I don't think I got quite to the feezing mark. It has been frosty the past couple of mornings and really nice during the day.

Sadly, the heat creep begins today and rises as does the week. grrrr I hate this weather!!! I want WINTER! I want S N O W!!!