Sunday, March 28, 2010


I know, real creative. Not much going on right now in the weather as we move into Springs. I'm still getting adjusted to daylight savings time. What a stupid idea to move it up to March. Hopefully we will see days like above for the next couple of weeks.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Surprise for Dallas

Pam woke to a surprising 5 inches of snow this morning. You can check her blog site for more photos.

Word from John is 9 to 10 inches in parts of Fayetteville with snow still falling. He'll be sending photos later.

Very interesting storm with snow falling from Northwest Arkansas all the way down the western edge of the state to Texarkana.....but nothing east of that. Even Harrison is getting just rain this morning. If you look at the radar you can see the very distinct comma of the wrap-around snow.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Return to Winter

I know we won't see anything like this shot on my drive home last month.....but some area may see Winter weather on more time this season. As of Friday night the NWS is hedging their bet for central Arkansas and just mentioning a turnover to snow Sunday night. Extreme northwest Arkansas (Benton County) could see 5 or 6 inches.....Fayetteville 1 to 2 inches. Pam is forecasting maybe a half inch tomorrow evening. We'll watch for photos. Kelly looks clear at this time with just a cold rain. Springs storms like this are very hard to predict. A slight movement to the north or the south can mean rain only to heavy snow. The calender says Spring, so I'm ready for warmth.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

A Variety of Weather

We've had a variety of weather since my last posting. Top of the list was the outbreak of tornadoes Thursday evening. Above is a photo of the tornado that moved thru Saline County. As that storm moved into Pulaski County the funnel lifted back up into the clouds and sailed well above Chenal Valley. We did get a bit of hail in some areas. I knew there was a slight chance of severe weather, but no one expected a handful of damaging tornadoes. Here's a link to the NWS's recap.

On another topic have you taken a look at the newly improved Accuweather site. I especially like the way you can see the month at a glance showing what has been and what is forecast for the next 15 days. I expect we will be in for a good deal of severe weather this spring. The experts are also predicting a rough hurricane season.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Ready for Spring

You know I love snow as much more than most people....but I am also a man for all seasons. March is here and after the cold, cold Winter I now ready for Spring. Of course, with Spring comes severe weather. I'm not sure if there is a correlation between severe storms and El Nino.

Winter is still trying to hang on. There were flurries in the state this morning and north Alabama and Georgia were getting snow this afternoon.

I've been very busy but will try to post again when I can.