Sunday, August 15, 2010

Waiting for Relief

I thought we could wait out this heat wave....but I'm not sure. Abandon hope ye who enter the mid-south. Someone told me the other day that they were getting used to the 100 degree days. Not me. It did rain here yesterday.....two one-hundredths of an inch. Temp dropped from 100 to 98 and then back to 100.


Pam said...

Perfect painting to illustrate this nasty weather! The "devil was whipping his wife" here awhile was raining while thundering and the sun was shining. Didn't much affect the temp. 100 at the moment.

Might get some rain..(yeah, right) tonight through about Wed. I'll believe it when I see it. BUT, the triple digits march on...and on..and on....

Kelly said...

I agree with Pam. Perfect illustration!

We've had a couple of rains (the kind that pop up and dump rain briefly, but don't do much for the temperature) and I'll take what I can get.

Even I, who much prefers hot to cold, am beginning to wish away this oppressive heat! I know my dogs do. Especially the outside ones.