Sunday, September 14, 2008

I'm Done with Tropical Storms

Just got my power back on. It went out yesterday evening. We lost a lot of what was in the ice box. Wind was about the same as with Gustav, but the entire storm was in and out of here very quickly. We only had one inch of rain from Ike. Today was absolutely gorgeous with a taste of early fall forecast for this week. Highs in the upper 70's and lows in the mid 50's.


Pam said...

A little wind, some much-needed rain and we suffered no ill effects of Ike here. Thank God!!

Like you, I say NO MAS!!!!!!

Felt like fall today, crisp until around noon. Breezy, sunny and very nice all week they say!

Bring on Winter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kelly said...

Perfect temps right now! Too bad it will get cold. Brrr.

Tell Weasley I'm not into golf.