Thursday, November 6, 2008

A Fall Weekend

It's been entirely too warm to suit my taste the past few days, but it looks as if Fall is arriving. We had a passing line of showers early this morning before giving way to a beautiful sunny afternoon. Still too warm with highs in the 70's. Temps will fall some over the weekend. We could see the upper 30's by Sunday morning. Another round of showers on Monday and then continued cool weather. If you look at your extended outlook on Accuweather you'll see some more seasonable weather mid-month.
Parts of the west and upper plains have been getting snow...and in some cases a lot of it. Check out this link to Accuweather. Can you believe that much snow so early in the season.


Kelly said...

Today's storm zipped right through here dropping less than a tenth of an inch of rain.

I see there's another hurricane in the Atlantic. Not headed toward us, though....

Pam said...

Yeah, that storm blew through here about 3 AM. Not much rain, but, we'll take anything we can get.

Cooler today but, as Mike said, NOT NEARLY COLD enough for moi!!! We're due to be about 39 tonight and only 72 tomorrow.

Then warming back up a bit in the daytime. grrrr

Love the tree colors on the blog!!!

Connor's 11th birthday on Sat. Jim and his oldest step daughter are coming up tomorrow for a softball tourney she's in at the ball fields a block away from me.

Bull (Bill) is coming up, too, for Connor's b-day. House full this weekend!

Actually have 3 days of not working next week! One is to take the boys for a med check, the other to get a shot in the eyeball. :)

OK, Mike, where is our colder winter???? Where is my SNOW???? I'm holding you personally accountable!

I have no idea why, tho'. :)

Claire said...

It's finally COLD here again! I had to turn my heater on in my room last night!

Not COLD ENOUGH, but highs in the 50's/60's is better than the high 70's!